Do you want to invest in Romania?
The fact that you have reached my page means that you have already discovered the potential and opportunities that Romania offers as a business environment.

Romania, a key member of the European Union is a country located at the crossroads of southeastern and central Europe. It is situated on the northern regions of the historically important place, the Balkan Province bordering the black sea.
Romania is one of the largest (ranked 9th) countries in the European Union. Romania also is known for its dense population. It is the seventh largest populated countries in the European Union, about 21.5 million inhabitants residing in the country. Bucharest, the capital city of Romania is also the largest city in the country. It is also the 6th largest city in the European Union both in terms of its size and residents residing in there (about 3 million people live there).
Overall, Romania’s macroeconomic situation is one of the strongest in EU in terms of real GDP growth, fiscal deficit and public debt, inflationary pressures and current account balance, with positive evolutions expected by some credit rating agencies.
Why is Romania more and more attractive for big investors?
Romania a trecut la o economie de piata in urma cu 30 ani. De atunci s-a urmarit depasirea perioadei de tranzitie. In ultimii 10 ani economia Romaniei nu doar ca s-a stabilizat, dar a avut cele mai mari cresteri economice din Europa. Totodata, din punct de vedere legislativ, Romania devine tot mai predictibila.
Romania has one of the lowest flat corporate tax, VAT and income tax rates in the EU as well as tax exemption on reinvested profit. For instance, tax on profit is 16%, but it is only 3% or even 1% for companies with annual turnover below EUR 1 million. Income tax is 10% and tax on dividends is 8%.
Razboiul din Ucraina a creat niste oportunitati imense, a facut din Romania nu numai un Hub Energetic zonal, ci si unul agrar.
Totodata, Romania este cunoscuta pentru calitatea oamenilor din domeniile de IT si Inginerie, dar si din celalalte campuri de munca.
Do you need guidance?
My name is Bobon Razvan Alexandru.

I have over 10 years of experience in the entrepreneurial field: with investments in fields such as real estate, public alimentation, tourism, IT, services, commerce. (ref: )
I have connections in almost all fields and I know that lobbying is sacred in Romania.
If you want to invest in this country or want to know more about the business environment, don't hesitate to contact me.
I can help you identify the best solution for your next investment: setting up a company, creating the legal framework, choosing the demographic area, workforce, lobby, etc.